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Kjøp Battlefield 1 Revolution Edition - EA App![]() ![]() -11%
$36.97 Aktivering og nedlasting via EA App. Fullstendige opplysninger vil bli spesifisert i eposten etter kjøpet.
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Multiplayer: yes
Plattform: PC Utgiver: Electronic Arts Nettside: Klikk her Utgivelsesdato: 18-08-2017 Systemkrav: Here Spillspråk العربية, Deutsch (DE), English (US), Español (ES), Español (MX), Français (FR), Italiano, Polski, Português (BR), Русский язык, Türkçe, 中文(繁體)
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Sunday Jul 25, 2021 15:37
okay battlefield game
i have played all the battlefield games, and for a battlefield game it's okay, not the best, but also not the worst.
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Sunday Aug 30, 2020 14:07
Still a good game, better then Battlefield V multiplayer, story is good but not the best one!
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Saturday Jun 13, 2020 19:28
Good services
Just received my key, and redeemed it, can't wait to play!
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Tuesday Feb 12, 2019 21:12
Another battlefield
While the game changed in many ways of weapons and items, it still feels grindy. They used too much smoke and mud to cover up scenery and gameplay. I didn't really feel like playing after about 30 hours. Graphics are great, single story is ok but multiplayer gets boring, maybe it's the old guns, we're tired of old guns.
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Wednesday Jul 04, 2018 18:26
Simply amazing. Good graphic, nice gameplay and a lot of option. Only downside is that it's made by EA
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Monday Jun 25, 2018 17:57
For the price, can't go wrong. One of my favourite Battlefield titles.
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Friday Jun 08, 2018 17:50
As soon as paid, immediately received!
After validating the payment, I received the key after 30 seconds max, just the time to click on the tab "my games" and "see the key" of Battlefield 1 Revolution. The game has been validated on Origin and is currently downloading, so I recommend this site and more precisely, this article. Sharknadoudou Var dette nyttig?
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Thursday Apr 12, 2018 15:37
Very satisfied
Good service! It took me about 15 minutes to get the game so very satisfied! The game is great but the best part is that its cheaper on gamer-shop.dk!
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Friday Mar 02, 2018 16:57
Otima Loja e super rapido entrega
Otima Loja e super rapido entrega, super jogo, muito bom mesmo
as origins do BF Var dette nyttig?
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Monday Dec 25, 2017 16:09
Good Service
Well yes the service were great. But It took about 2 h to get the code. But I did get it . Very satisfyed service. Var dette nyttig?
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Saturday Nov 11, 2017 02:40
good game
great graphics games story mode was amazing.... online is a tad bit laggy from time to time but thats always with EA battlefield servers.
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Thursday Nov 09, 2017 04:25
Good Game
Good Game, Great Graphics, Just gets boring . WW2 would have been better
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Tuesday Oct 24, 2017 08:36
It\'s okay
I only play for the multiplayer, and it was really good during the honeymoon phase. But after that, it got a bit same-same and the DLC model isn't to my liking.
I've been a fan of the series since 1942, and I think BF1 also waters down some of the gameplay elements too much. Conquest no longer is a ticket bleed system, vehicles are spawn points and not spawns on the map etc. Var dette nyttig?
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Thursday Oct 12, 2017 16:10
Nice graphical game
The game is great! nice graphics to be honest. But i was done after a week of playing in single player and mutiplayer. For the shooter fans this game is perfect.
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Tuesday Oct 03, 2017 02:28
Bring back history. Isn't this nice just like Call of duty WWII. Like brothers, battlefield 1 is WWI and Call of duty WWII are WWI.
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Monday Oct 02, 2017 19:44
WWI game 4 nice play
Story ist Top. Funktioniert einwandfrei. Der Multiplayer sollte etwas überarbeitet werden. Ständige Face Off Updates und unnötige Battlepacks, sowie hier und da ein Fehler mit der Grafik, Kill Cam oder gar ein unsichtbares Menü sowie Waffe machen das Spiel etwas anstrengend, aber sind zu verkraften. Einiges Maps könnten mal einen Bug Fix vertragen und die mögliche Anzahl an Spieler auf einer Karte angepasst werden. Ansonsten kommt der BF Spieler hier völlig auf seine Kosten durch viele Modies, Premium Sharing und vielen Fahrzeugen und den üblichenTrümpfen.
Story is top. Works flawlessly. The multiplayer should be reworked. Permanent Face Off Updates and unnecessary Battlepacks, as well as here and there a bug with the graphics, Kill Cam or even an invisible menu as well as weapon make the game a bit exhausting, but are able to cope. Some maps could sometimes be a bug fix and the possible number of players on a map to be adapted. Apart from that, the BF player comes completely at his expense through many modes, premium sharing and many vehicles and the usual trunks. Var dette nyttig?
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Friday Sep 29, 2017 18:01
Ok peli
Muuten ihan ok peli mutta missä 32 pelaajan servut :(
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Saturday Aug 26, 2017 09:03
Amazing looking Game
THE gameplay is just great! The horses add a new and fun thing to the series, personly as far as multi player goes im still a bf4 fan, but the singleplayer I could not put down!!!
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Sunday Jun 18, 2017 03:44
Good Game to the Battlefield Series
very Nice game gives you a US history lesson in the story mode of the game too like with the Harlem Hellfighters aka the 369th Infantry Regiment which they never tell you about in school plus with all of dice's games the frostbite engine makes the graphics scream eye candy and fidelity but make sure you have the PC hardware to run it to see the eyecandy at it's fullest .
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Thursday May 25, 2017 12:01
Awesome game and Immersion
Awesome graphics in this game. It's like your immersed into the surroundings. Very nice gameplay. Looking forward to the DLC's that are coming out.
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Friday Apr 28, 2017 02:13
Such a great Game to the franchise! have it for xbox and playstation but man PC graphics blow it away I love it!
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Friday Apr 21, 2017 00:15
Best battlefield for a long time
In contrast to the previous ones, this game has done everything right. The campaign, the setting as well as the graphics are successful and have earned 4 out of 5.
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Monday Apr 10, 2017 15:04
Good, but not the best
A quite nice game, but not the best Battlefield I've played yet. A cool campaign but not that interesting to finish it. Also the new system for owning new weapon utilities isn't that good than it was in the previous Battlefield. But the graphic design is wonderful. Much details, very comfortable.
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Sunday Feb 26, 2017 12:29
Ottimo gioco
fantastic campaign, multiplayer fantastic as many. the only problem is that if one has a bad connection is almost useless to buy it.
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Saturday Feb 04, 2017 18:36
Best Battlefiled
What was the best Battlefield. Graphics, Multi player, a pity weaker Campaign
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Monday Jan 30, 2017 08:22
Good, but not amazing
A good Battlefield game but sadly it is just the same 4 maps over and over with a mildly boring story. The oceanic multiplayer is dying which is quite annoying.
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Tuesday Jan 10, 2017 19:06
I bet to go back in time, take the best of the war as it was the first world war .. Excellent mechanics, fun assured!
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Monday Dec 26, 2016 01:07
I only had one problem .. they did not take long to solve it .. very happy with the purchases .. and with the game thanks for the service offered !!
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Tuesday Dec 20, 2016 21:34
Battlefield is back where it used to be. Haven't had so much fun in a game for a while!
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Tuesday Dec 20, 2016 01:14
This game is alot of fun and the graphics are amazing!
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Monday Dec 19, 2016 10:38
Great again!
It's a fresh breath of air! Even if it's a WW1 game, gameplay still feels modern. Graphics and performance are great! Interesting take on the singelplayer.
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Saturday Dec 03, 2016 02:15
Welcome back to WW1 BF1. A great change in pace. Great fair combat. Get some friends and get on the battlefield.
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Wednesday Nov 30, 2016 11:03
Very good game. Much better than Battlefield 4. Must buy if you liked bf4.
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Tuesday Nov 22, 2016 23:58
The game play is very immersive and the graphics are stunning also for such a low price its unbeatable.
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Sunday Nov 20, 2016 23:17
Battlefield 1 ist super geworden
Die Kampagne ist zwar sehr kurz aber es sind sehr gute Geschichten.
Der Multiplayer ist eine Wucht. Das setting stimmt, die Grafik ist bombastisch und es macht sehr viel spass. Man kann es nur Empfehlen. Var dette nyttig?
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Sunday Nov 20, 2016 14:15
Battlefield has done it again
The battlefield games have over the years set the bar when it comes to set piece moments that make you think wow it's like i am in a movie! Here with Battlefield 1 it is no different, in fact your jaw is on the floor more times than not.
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Sunday Nov 13, 2016 23:51
this is what the battlefield series needed to keep it alive. this is one of the best possibly better than bad company. the game runs flawless not like bf4 . its very addictive and enjoyable if you like fps of course, its a must buy
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Tuesday Nov 08, 2016 19:11
Another great Battlefield game
The campaign is crafted with excellent details. The storylines are great and something to look forward to. The campaign is broken up such that each story gives you a unique perspective on the war while also allowing users to master different types of weapons and gameplay. Multiplayer: Let's be honest, most people will buy the game for online battles. And yet again, Battlefield 1 delivers. Maps are unique and vast for users to combine different types of gameplay. There are various types of weapons to choose from, giving you different customization options. Game: The visuals and audio are something to really appreciate. The games appears to be well optimized making good use of available hardware to give you a smooth gaming experience. Score: 5/5 Var dette nyttig?
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Monday Nov 07, 2016 13:15
Grab yer boots and rifle!
An absolutely excellent (if not just a little short) single player game accompanied by an immensely immersful multiplayer experience, graphic and sound detail are incredible and really help bring home the horrors of what WW1 really was.
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Saturday Nov 05, 2016 19:20
great game, great price
works great on my pc and u sure cant beat these prices I mean it just came out
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Saturday Nov 05, 2016 15:09
Its crazy how they payed attention on everything. From graphics to the sound details. Love this game. Btw. excellent delivery time gaming dragon.
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Friday Nov 04, 2016 12:06
Es buen juego el modo de 60 jugadores esta genial. Y los graficos son impresionantes.
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Friday Nov 04, 2016 02:43
Best BF in years.
Battlefield 1942 was the shit back in the day, have played probably 1000+ hours in the franchise combined and cant remember having this much fun with the game since the first 2.
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Tuesday Nov 01, 2016 16:08
Best Battlefield since BF: BC2
As the title says, this is the most fun I've had on a Battlefield game since Bad Company 2. DICE have pulled it off! They have made a fantastic game that's not 100% historically accurate, but more importantly it's fun. Yes it's currently missing a few features as I'm sure they are making sure the release was stable and reasonably bug free (there are a couple annoying bugs but nothing game breaking). But definitely need Hardcore Mode soon, and rented servers.
But overall this is a must buy for fans of FPS, military shooters. The graphics are incredible on Ultra (and runs very well too) The sound is second to none! The atmosphere and sheer immersion of all out war makes this such a fantastic game. Also fair play to EA for having some restraint and not adding micro transactions. I fully expected the Battlepacks to be something you could buy. But they are random drops. Ok they still milked the whole Premium thing, but there'll be free DLC too so think this is a good step forward for a company that's universally hated by consumers. So fair play... Small but its a start Var dette nyttig?
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Sunday Oct 30, 2016 15:22
good game
its a good game but why in the world do we need to wait on hardcore mode!?
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Sunday Oct 30, 2016 13:25
Was sketched out but everything went smooth (BF1)
Wasnt sure if I should trust a random site but it worked out great. I was never asked for photo ID and the keys worked. Took 2 hours to get the codes but I bought it at an unusual time. I would recommend this site from now on,
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Saturday Oct 29, 2016 13:16
Awesome Game
Beautiful Game...The best game 2016 easy.....love it
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Wednesday Oct 26, 2016 23:47
Campagne got me im flashed of the graphics and the story is new but very nice
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Wednesday Oct 26, 2016 21:44
Review Titel
Hallo everyone,
i became the key quickly. the game is top. Var dette nyttig?
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Wednesday Oct 26, 2016 03:07
Not the Best Battlefield Game
If your a fan of WW1 then you will probably enjoy this game but from what i have played so far Battlefield 4 is better. There are a few bugs but i should think they will be sorted out before long, Is it worth the Money? i'd say buy it you'll probably enjoy it.
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