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Kjøp Mad Max - Steam![]() ![]() -69%
$5.39 Aktivering og nedlasting via Steam. Fullstendige opplysninger vil bli spesifisert i eposten etter kjøpet.
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Multiplayer: yes
Plattform: PC Utgiver: Warner Bros Språk: Flerspråklig Nettside: Klikk her Utgivelsesdato: 04 September 2015 Systemkrav: Here Spillspråk Multi-language
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Thursday Nov 15, 2018 16:00
Fun game with an ok storyline. Great time waster if you try to get all collectibles as well.
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Monday Sep 17, 2018 15:01
The Game is pretty simple as complex in its self. The new mechanix and graphics are nice nd smooth to use but the game sometimes is real difficult to handle but as expectet it is fun to play.
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Saturday Sep 01, 2018 15:40
Titolo recensione
Arrivato tutto in un 1 minuto e ho ricevuto quanto detto in descrizione, e la prima volta che acquisto su questo sito ma se ci saranno altre offerte buone come questa e non prezzi alti, aquistero sicuramente visto la recente esperienza positiva. per quanto riguarda il gioco e bellissimo , post apocalitico e grafica che se pur non il top e buona gradevolissima e poi punto forte del gioco e il gameplay col sistema di combattimentio alla batman ottimo lo consiglio.
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Monday Jul 30, 2018 21:26
Pretty Fun
This game is pretty fun, I didn't try it when it first released. I'm still playing this so I can't speak to the whole game but for the money its not bad. I had a little trouble getting my video settings adjusted but they look nice.
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Friday Apr 06, 2018 15:12
Very Recommended Game
A bit of Far Cry mapping, big world, Batman fist fighting mechanism with a raw street fighting feel that makes you want to fight more and more, oddly the same kind of feel of Assasin's Creed Black Flag when you're driving your car in this endless waste , instead of a boat and lots of water in Black Flag, and take care of enemy vehicles (including storms but we have sandstorms here), collecting this and that along the way (reminded me of Just Cause), the way they made driving and racing a whole lot of fun in this kind of game (hello Rage!) , upgrading your character and car by doing things...and there are a lot of things to do in this world.....you would almost forget the story. And that's also very good so far. Voice acting is top and the whole scenery and atmosphere is great. It's Mad Max. And you can be Mad Max.
So let me make this clear. It's not a shooter. There are guns and you can shoot them but the focus is not at shooting. The driving and fist fighting takes the most of it. And what a pleasure that is! They took a long look at some very good games out there and mold it together to make Mad Max look great. They succeeded. Great game, lots of fun. Yep, after 5 hours of gameplay I can see where this is going. Another lots of sleepless nights. After 45 hours of gameplay: Yep, it's a very good and addictive game. I saw some reviews with a bit of complaining 'bout that it gets the same after a while. Taking a break now and then will help. After an 8 hours work shift everyone wants to go home and do something else. But after a view hours of 'doing something else' it's great to step in Mad Max's shoes again. They get comfortable the more you wear it. After 80 hours of gameplay: Woh, time is getting abstract playing this game. That's always a good sign when you're having fun. There are some very good missions here. Got the heart pounding and the adreneline rushing. Almost have completed the map but still not sure how much more I get and I realy don't wanna know. As far as I'm concerned this game can go on and on and on. I got 73% of the achievements so the end must be near. My advise is to don't rush the missions and first clear out the regions one by one and do the missions when they are in the regions you cleared out. And take your time and enjoy searching for all the goodies! It'll be over too soon. Very good game this is. Var dette nyttig?
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Thursday Oct 26, 2017 06:48
nothing will beat this technical legend
First thing I noticed in this game besides the texture theme being always in the desert. I guess the devs took it easy on that part hehe. Its the game is rock solid. I've never seen a game so solid. No crashes, no hiccups, no lag, no slowness just nothing of that. Full 60fps rock solid. its very very very rare that I see that kind of game. ITS SO REFRESHING.
Put that on the side and you get a good game. Story is a bit lacking personally and character voice is also lacking as their almost nothing to attach myself to him but the world though is very good. Lots of territory to explore, lots of enemies to kill with your hands or your car. OMG the car...so good. Once you get the harpoon you're gonna love destroying everything. minors complains here and there whcih I can live with no problem. THeres just only one that I can't go which is why I removed 1 star. Yes I know theres grinding in the game. its the same task, same type of missions, same quest, same everything from region to region. I just which they would add variety to it as it gets monotonous very quick. Because of that I nearly uninstalled the game because when you're at your fifth region, you know whats going to happen in the next one...it gets boring in a sense. Overall, its a very good open world game that I highly recommend. Can't wait for the second installment. Var dette nyttig?
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Monday Oct 23, 2017 20:58
an underestimated game
I have rarely bought a good game so cheaply. Did not regret it :)
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Tuesday Oct 10, 2017 01:12
A really fun action game
This game has great graphics and sound right off the bat. The story might seem pretty non-existent, but towards the end it definitely takes some interesting twists and turns. The main game mechanic is to clear out enemy bases/take over areas and complete various side quests. As you progress you earn new moves and weapons which are satisfying to use in combat. It's like Shadow of Mordor without the stealth and with cars. It's definitely a game that I was glad to get on sale, since you can usually find it at a low price, if you skipped it when it came out, you should definitely pick it up at a discount. I got a good 55 hours out of it.
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Friday May 05, 2017 08:24
Incredibly captivating game
Incredibly nice and graphic game.
You get caught up and it seems so real that it's just like watching a 3D movie. I have already spent more than 80 hours on the game and have not finished yet. The severity is increased in line with the missions. Beautiful car racing game with many details and at the same time a really nice fighting game there at any time can bring the old mortal kombat players to play this game. Highly recommended. Var dette nyttig?
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Sunday Apr 16, 2017 11:31
Mad about this MAX game
Mad Max is an unterratede game, with has great value. The graphics are great combined with the atmosphere makes at truly great game, with tons of playing hours.
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Thursday Feb 23, 2017 15:28
a big game
Good graphics, a good story. I like to play. There's a lot of action.
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Thursday Nov 17, 2016 17:43
Game eternal! Shiny and chrome.
Mad Max is a fun post apocalyptic game with many different aspects from archaic car battles to fast paced shooting and close combat.
Great graphics and a cool story top this game off nicely. Var dette nyttig?
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Tuesday Sep 27, 2016 15:41
This is a game with very good graphics and I love post apocalyptic game s like this. Not a pure open world game but is big enough to enjoy all the quests you have to complete. Not a boring game but the scenaries are very similar.
Good game with a good environment. Var dette nyttig?
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Sunday Sep 25, 2016 00:24
Dope game
This game has a very nice story and a lot of fun activities. With that said, those activities gets boring after a while and then you just want to do the story.
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Saturday Aug 13, 2016 00:05
i will more
the game is great and makes a lot of fun , graphically it can be see to have an interesting game mechanics and captivates you for many hours
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Tuesday Jun 14, 2016 11:55
Good Game
This game has a very nice story and a lot of fun activities. With that said, those activities gets boring after a while and then you just want to do the story.
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Wednesday Jun 08, 2016 06:22
Very fun
Probably the best game of a movie re-make. Does get repetitive every so often but its made by the guys who make the Just Cause series so you cant go wrong.
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Friday May 06, 2016 23:32
Real fun
Weather effects are great in game. Game is repetitive. But still an amazing game to play.
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Thursday Apr 28, 2016 12:09
good to start with but it gets boring after a bit.
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Monday Apr 04, 2016 09:43
The world of Mad Max is a desert, there's not much to say about that. At times I felt that even with the cars, the world felt too big, while every sandbox game boasts the largest sandbox available I think they should instead do what Shadow of Mordor did and just make the world large enough so you can explore it without the tedious to and fro you get from the likes of Far Cry 2 and Fallout 3. That said, the world looks beautiful and there is plenty to see and do but the size makes it a drag from time to time.
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Tuesday Mar 29, 2016 20:57
It is quit funny and all
The game is quite funny and all. It has great graphic, and an awesome soundtrack.
The start is borring, but it turn fast into a funny action speed game where you can use a lot of hours without any trouble. If you like fast action, great gameplay, and many hours of then this is the game :) Var dette nyttig?
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Sunday Mar 27, 2016 16:42
No winning.
The fighting mechanics are Batman, the driving is Twisted Metal, and the story is compelling.
The story of the game occurs directly after Fury Road. The main antagonist is the third son of Immortan Joe. (Which isn't mentioned in the movie, but is mentioned in the comic series.) There have been a lot of issues globally with glitches in the game, however I didn't experience any of them. I played start to finish without a crash. The story is compelling and well written, but is the source of my minus 1 star. The story is a Shakespearean tragedy and there is no "happy ending" for Max. While the sand box is available after completion everyone that's integral to game play dies, but they just magically reappear to let you play more. Max is a loner. They should have introduced another mechanic to allow you to play without snapping you out of the atmosphere created by the story. That being said, if you just turn the game off after the last scene (You'll know it when you see it.) the game will still be worth the money. Var dette nyttig?
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Wednesday Mar 16, 2016 15:51
Movies & Games wont match
There really isn't any great movie that is also a great game, nor great game that has become a great movie.
This game makes no exception to that. There is alot of in game things that groins my gears. You cannot bring any melee weapon to car, your enemys can and you cannot use your knife with anything else than finishing move that wich is pretty useless, but your enemy's can swing you with knife. Game it self is very linear go in storyline, and the kind of sense of freedom you get in games like GTA or Mafia you are not getting in here. Stil the strory line is that much intresting i can recoment this game for Mad Max fans, its no gaming heaven but its entertaining. I paid 10,77€ for this and i think thats about right value for this game. Var dette nyttig?
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Tuesday Mar 01, 2016 22:08
Really Good
Everything is in the title !
This title is really excellent and changes what we've seen so far ! The fights are like those of Batman .... big reference , there's worse .... ;) More quickly and efficiently purchase! I'm still a little bummed not to have known your website before ... I always paid my full price games as a C .. then I have only one thing to say ..... Thanks :) Var dette nyttig?
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Sunday Feb 21, 2016 06:17
Mad to the Max
tory wise, Mad Max leaves a little to be desired but yet it doesn’t if you’ve followed the franchise. Mad Max movies were never about insanely in-depth plots. They catered more to the crazy world and characters in the apocalypse and as a game, they seemed to focus on this as well. The core elements of his tale revolved around getting his belongings back, building his car, and scavenging the land as he helps various drifters and other leaders build a bigger and better place. While the action hits heavy right from the start and hardly ever lets up, the story is fairly slow and plodding until later in the game where it ramps up considerable and really offers a bit more a tale. It’s a slow burn, but in a way feels appropriate for the franchise.
Gameplay consists of controlling Max, driving around the world in his junker of a car, collecting scrap, and taking on the various main and side missions offered. The more missions players do, the more scavenging for parts, the more players get back. Not only does this affect getting new title rankings for Max by completing challenges, but also leveling him up with new clothes, new looks, new move sets, car parts and more. Everything is built around the concept of scavenging and in this world it completely makes sense in context. While Max is infiltrating gang hideouts, he will be encountering some fierce and heavy melee fights. Combat feels very reminiscent of Batman or Mordor, but here it’s much more weighted and slower. Max moves with precisions but enemies have to be closer to engage, all while countering and parrying seem to have a much less open window then other games. It can come off a bit frustrating at first, but it’s simple a different flow that can easily be adapted after a short while. Max is no Batman so don’t expect him to jump from enemy to enemy like a super powerful warrior, instead expected heavy hitting, and bloody battles where picking up a weapon dropped on the ground can make all the difference between life and death. While Max mostly uses his fists to do the talking, his shotgun comes in handy with some splattering results and if he has a shiv, can kill a weakened enemy with ease. Get enough of his FURY meter filled and prepare to be almost completely unstoppable for a limited duration, he is Mad after all. Speaking of life, Max doesn’t regen health, so make sure to collect water in your canteen or get to the nearest dog food can to ensure Max keeps alive. Var dette nyttig?
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Tuesday Feb 16, 2016 20:47
cool Mad Max
I am very excited. It fascinates me no end . Who loved the movies , the game will be loved .
great graphics great sounds great cars Great story , enough missions against boredom . Opponent AI is absolutely OK . My assessment 9/10 Strong buy recommendation . Var dette nyttig?
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Friday Feb 05, 2016 19:36
Great price! Great service!
The key includes all 4 DLCs in Steam! Thanks a lot. About the game: Great visuals. Great sound. Great environment and gameplay. Reminds of Batman's new games. Fighting is cool. Driving is cool. Open World is cool. I really like it! Var dette nyttig?
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Wednesday Dec 02, 2015 04:01
Okay game
This is a good game for the first couple of hours, but it gets repetitive. It's very simple to play as the buttons are simple to master. But like i said it the same thing over and over across the whole map.
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Saturday Nov 28, 2015 03:17
Review Title
I got 42 hours on Mad Max its worth the the money the graphic is amzing and the sound of a V8 or V6 or both are kick ass I got deaf for a week I just love hearing the sound but if you wont to know the story its kick ass just like the movie if you loved the movie buy it I did and I loved both the game and movie so its worth buying in my eyes 5/5
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Saturday Nov 28, 2015 03:13
Great game, this will take a long time to get through. Great graphics, im all about the graphics, and the gameplay is great. I wish they made this game multiplayer though that would be awesome. Lots of content in this game.
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Saturday Nov 28, 2015 03:01
Good Game
Very Nice Game , runs well looks good and has great explosions, the storms are pretty cool, car feels good to.
I have spent way to many hours trying to complete this game this game is worth the money and a bargain price on Gaming Dragon Var dette nyttig?
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Thursday Nov 12, 2015 17:33
Worth all my money :D
I bought this game for half the retail price on this site and I have to say I would not have minded to pay the full price since this is a game worth all that money :) I have spent way to many hours trying to complete this game.
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Friday Nov 06, 2015 16:00
Mad Max
Very good open world game, Avalanche studios have overdone themselves once again with this very very good optimized PC port. Game itself is good, car combat is awesome, story is decent and melee combat is average (very arkham style combat).
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Tuesday Nov 03, 2015 13:50
Assassins creed with cars
Finally a game that is enjoyable in the universe of Mad Max! There is alot of things to do, but it can sometimes get a little repetative. The astetics of the game are super gorgeous. So if you're a fan of Mad Max you will not be dissapointed, unless you run into the bugs.
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Tuesday Nov 03, 2015 09:15
Mad Max is great
This game is having some amazing graphics which we can realize in the requirements demanded to play , the missions will have to make throughout the game will be very intersantes apparently. I can not wait to play this great game . I hope to run it mildly.
It has a very good plot in the story it is that weapons sorprederan us but more interensante the game is its terriotorial extesion which is immense comparisons to other games. Var dette nyttig?
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Monday Nov 02, 2015 07:29
Review Title
Very fun game and well worth the price (would not recommend if it were $60 or so).
Similar in gameplay to Shadow of Mordor and the Batman Arkham series in terms of combat, etc. Vehicle combat is a bit different, but still engaging. Var dette nyttig?
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Wednesday Oct 28, 2015 19:30
Game is great. Developed a map bug but they fixed it pretty quickly. The open world is AWESOME and gives you plenty of things to do outside of just following the story mission. I normally stick to the first person genre, glad I stepped out and got this one.
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Monday Oct 26, 2015 01:20
Solid Game
If you like Saints Row 3-4, Shadows of Mordor, Infamous, games like that; well you will love this. Add Mad Max and you got a turbo charged action packed ride! Great combat system with awesome vehicles this is sure to get you into a high octane mood in no time! Recommended to anyone who likes open world adventure with fast paced desert combat.
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Saturday Oct 24, 2015 22:53
Solid Game
I couldn't resist picking up the title since it was half off at launch and I was not disappointed by my decision. The driving felt great, the artistic look of the character design and setting were fantastic. A full octane rush in a post-apocalyptic setting. Pretty hard to beat.
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Tuesday Oct 20, 2015 05:30
amazing game !
Seriously, i just cant stop buying games from this site, i would never have bought all these games if it wasnt for gaming dragons, i love this game !!! it is amazing and awsome, i cant wait for the next games i will buy, by the way, mad max is AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGG!
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Monday Oct 19, 2015 20:48
This title really surprised me, I expected a medicure quality game, but when I got blew me away, its just awesome.
The controls are perfect and the story is good. The car combat can be tedius from time to time, from chasing the enemy, but the combat on foot is just great. Var dette nyttig?
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Tuesday Oct 13, 2015 17:04
This is a very entertaining game. I logged almost 80 hours into it, and enjoyed it every second. The new patch adds some bug fixes for a few audio issues that were present when I played the game, but while annoying, those issues never really bothered me, or affected my experiance, but alas, they have been corrected. The game runs phenominally well. It is the best optimized game that I have seen in a long time. Well worth it from a technical standpoint, and also very fun to play. Go ahead, and give it a try!
Gaming Dragons always delivers. I have bought multiple games from them, and have always been satisifed with the price, and the experiance! Highly Recommmend! Var dette nyttig?
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Sunday Oct 11, 2015 07:26
muito bom
The first most notable aspect of Mad Max is its cinematic presentation . Right away , the player is thrown into a dizzying trail ends with the car of Max broken
very good Graphics incredible gameplay muto crazy Var dette nyttig?
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Wednesday Sep 23, 2015 04:52
worth it
the game is what you expect out of mad max story, and what you expect out of mad max in general, it's single player game, somehow kinda expected that, but a solid one, lots stuff to do in this open world environment.
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Tuesday Sep 22, 2015 00:40
This is the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee neeeeeeeeeez. It a must get game. Fantastic. Worth every penny. Story line amazing, game physic amazing, it just an overall amazing game and for 13.74 how can you moan? You cant. It great.
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Monday Sep 21, 2015 10:37
What a rush of a game. The atmosphere, the setting, the cars, even the fighting is all awesome. As a fan of the Mad Max movies this game is truly faithful to its lore and setting and makes you really feel like your Max roaming the wasteland trying to survive.
running at a butter smooth 60 FPS on my PC at 1080p is something to behold the only known issue I could find is it can be repetitive but not enough to turn you off from the game 9/10 Var dette nyttig?
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Wednesday Sep 09, 2015 19:28
Is Mad Max worth your time and hard earned cash? Perhaps if you Purchase it from Gaming Dragons!
True to its franchise roots, Mad Max is a telling of the adventures of Max Rockatanksy. As the story unfolds, hidden artifacts begin to reveal how Max became a roughneck lone survivor. In the hunt for ever-dwindling resources, a vicious biker-gang murders Max’s wife and daughter. Hell-bent on revenge, Max hunts down and murders the barbarian bikers responsible for the death of his family, and sets forth as the lone drifter that we follow along this adventure.
Throughout the campaign, Max is tasked with collecting scrap to build the ultimate vehicle the Magnum Opus, for exacting revenge against the remaining barbarian Vikings, and liberate the land from the choking grasp of the tyrant Scabrus Scrotus. Mad Max does a lot of things right. In fact, some games could learn a thing or two from the extra little touches that Avalanche studios included just to tickle the Completionist in all of us. . . We all have a little Jirard Khalil in us somewhere. . . no, not like that. . . dirty minded little. . . Small additions such as an onscreen counter for each loot type, was enticing enough to feel the need to collect everything hidden within a hideout or camp The unique method of unlocking map areas and the ability to use the binoculars to scout out targets to mark on the map were also welcoming additions. The gameplay is smooth in terms of each type of combat or traversal, but where the game begins to waver is in the transition between these gameplay elements. There is really isn’t a way unite the Magnum Opus and Max sections of the game. If there are vehicles around, Max had no way to defend himself without the Magnum Opus. If Max is exploring an open camp, there isn’t really a way to involve the Magnum Opus. The ability to command Chumbucket in the car could have provided another level of interactivity and gameplay between Max and the Magnum Opus. Finally, the story elements just aren’t engrossing, and perhaps, for some, that aspect isn’t as important. The voice acting is well done, but, as a direct result of the dry and generic narrative, the emotional complexity of each character stagnant. The character development and interaction is surficial at best, and definitely won’t inspire the need to replay the game, and that leads me to my final verdict. Don't pay full price. Buy the game from Gaming Dragons Var dette nyttig?
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Tuesday Sep 08, 2015 16:16
Great Game
I give it a 4/5 stars because I expected a bit more out of it, but I am still having fun with this game because the car battles are addicting even if the can be a bit repetitive. The game is cheap on this web site so I feel I got my moneys worth. Perhaps if I got this game at 60 dollars instead I would of felt a bit cheated.
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Sunday Sep 06, 2015 18:42
Very good and fun game!!!
WOW!!! what a amazing game!!!
The world is Epic, and brutal, it fits right in with the mad max world. Graphics, effects and explosions are awesome , you even have sandstorms that you can see approaching in the distance. I noticed that there is some "super" lootboxes during storm but... it is very risky to drive (...those lightnig strikes WOW). Very fun part of game is harpoon. You can use harpoongun to pull armor, wheels, and even drivers from enemy vehicles, or detonating exposed fuel drums with your shotgun, + Fighting + Vehicle combat + Graphics + Gorgeous Sandbox, Huge open world to play + "Pimp my ride... mad max style" and customization + lots of explosive action !!! Var dette nyttig?
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Saturday Sep 05, 2015 08:44
Great game
I bought this game thinking "oh great another movie game". However this game was never a movie game as it was made independently and was supposed to be released last year. Anyway it has all the essentials: it has mystery, plot, rich characters, motivates, amazing visuals, smooth combat, extensive leveling up system and just awesome fun. The best game I have played since red dead. Do not skip this title...amazing really.
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