Comprar Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Season Pass - SteamBorderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Season Pass - Steam

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Season Pass cd key
Metacritic Score
7.6 / 10
Game download will be provided by Steam
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  • 17 October 2014 2K Games
    Género Vários
    Vários Jogadores Yes
    Data de Lançamento 17 October 2014
    Editor 2K Games
    Ainda não tem nenhuma opinião!
    5.98 InStock
    Disponível Entregue entre 5 minutos a 2 horas.
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    Reúnes 3 cristais com este produto
    The mayhem doesn’t have to end! Continue the Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel experience with the Season Pass, featuring more characters, challenges, and missions! Buy the Season Pass and get all four pieces of add-on content for the price of three. All Season Pass content will be available by October 2015. ...

    Este é um conteúdo adicional com download

    Este jogo é uma Extensão/DLC. Vais precisar de Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel produto base.

    The mayhem doesn’t have to end! Continue the Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel experience with the Season Pass, featuring more characters, challenges, and missions! Buy the Season Pass and get all four pieces of add-on content for the price of three. All Season Pass content will be available by October 2015.

    Vários Jogadores: yes
    Plataforma: PC
    Editor: 2K Games
    Idiomas: Vários Idiomas
    Website: Clica aqui
    Data de Lançamento :
    17 October 2014
    Requisitos do Sistema : Here
    Idiomas do Jogo
    English, French, Italian, German, Spanish
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