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(2024-11-05 18:08:52)
"Ho aspettato un pò prima di prenotare questo titolo molto atteso. Spero il gioco rispetti le promesse degli sviluppatori nei tanti video..."
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Plataforma: PC Editor: Codemasters Idiomas: Vários Idiomas Website: Clica aqui Data de Lançamento : 24 Maio 2011 Requisitos do Sistema : Here Idiomas do Jogo
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Dirt 4 - Hyundai R5 (DLC)
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DIRT 5 - Xbox One/Series X|S (Digital Code)
DIRT 5 is the boldest off-road racing experience created by Codemasters. Blaze a trail on routes across the world, covering gravel, ice, snow and sand, with a roster of cars ranging from rally icons to trucks, to GT heroes. With a star-studded Career...
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DIRT 5 - Xbox One/Series X|S (Digital Code)
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Dirt Rally
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Dirt Rally
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Dirt 4
Motorsport by its very nature is dangerous. DiRT 4 is all about embracing that danger. It’s about the thrill, exhilaration and adrenaline that is absolutely vital to off-road racing. And more than that, it’s about loving that feeling....
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