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1 Opiniões
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019 11:31
Murda Game
I love all Dragon Age Games
but Inquisition is the best Part of the Frainchise. Foi útil?
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Wednesday Mar 28, 2018 01:07
An Abso9lutely amazing game :)
This is one of the most amazing and comprehensive games out there of the past 10 years.
The graphics are amazing as is the character depth and range of interactions. The only real negative is the disappointing insertion of SJW ideas and identity politics into one of the characters, which was highly disappointing and a major detraction from the game (Fantasy and sorcery medieval universe doesn't go well with 21st century 'progressive' social constructionist ideas). Putting that aside however, this is an amazing game that is well worth the $8 or so that we paid for it :) Foi útil?
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Sunday Mar 11, 2018 02:00
Amazing Game
I love this game. I have spent so many hours on it.
It feels like Bioware took the best from the trainwreck that was Dragon Age 2 and combined it with Dragon Age Origins. Great story, many choices, great characters and an awesome villain Foi útil?
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Wednesday Mar 08, 2017 20:39
Best single play RPG ever!
If you haven't played this game yet and definatley for this price.... do not hesitate. 100+ hours of pure RPG immersion is awaiting.
Enjoy! Foi útil?
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Wednesday Jan 11, 2017 21:37
So many beautiful hours
Very long long game, nice story and you have many choices to do, it is easier than dragon age origins but it's harder than dragon age 2.
i reccomend it if you want a game of 100+ hours. only one disavvantage: second mission are bit repetitive Foi útil?
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Thursday Nov 17, 2016 18:42
Like a medieval mass effect.
Dragon Age Inquisition is a great game, with nice graphics and a somewhat fresh story using characters from both 1 and 2 to push things along.
However to me it feels like it was made for consoles more than PC and I would recommend using a Xbox or steam controller to play this if you have one available. I find a lot of the time you run around you spend it looking for hidden treasures or lootable items rather than actual questing, loot and hidden stuff can only be found by pinging the area with a search which I found tiring since eventually you end up doing it as much as possible not to miss stuff, if they had left that out then I could have given this a 5 star. Foi útil?
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Tuesday Oct 04, 2016 18:14
Worth the price
Definitely worth your money. If your're into RPG's with a great story, you should try this one out.
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Sunday Sep 25, 2016 14:24
G8 game m8
Luved this game on PS4 and luved its previous games, however hated dragon age 2 that game left a bitter taste but this game made up for that failure and more
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Sunday Sep 18, 2016 10:53
Best RPG 2015
If your either an RPG fan or fan of the series this is the game for you. Literally an epic story that makes you the centre of attention. A well thought and made RPG. The struggle is titanic and provides the player with choices that really make a difference as per last of the series. I have played through once and will do again after break, The character you choose dictates how the story rolls and ends. RPG MUST BUY.
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Friday Aug 19, 2016 19:14
great price for a game
9 bucks for this game its very good
Good history , gameplay , good soundtrack you need have this game in you library for this price its okey Foi útil?
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Friday Jun 03, 2016 00:28
very enoyable well vorth the monry as ot takes a long time to fin
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Saturday Nov 07, 2015 05:01
Great RPG for the fantasy player.
Dragon Age Inquisition is a great RPG based game for those who enjoy a fulfilling story and amazing graphical scenes including lush forests and detailed castles.
Dragon Age Inquisition also allows a great amount of player choice when decided things during quests and gives you control when progressing through the story and unlocking your Home Base. I highly recommend this game and if you love exploring then Dragon Age is for you. I have spent over 140 hours on this game and still not finished my first play through. Foi útil?
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Saturday May 30, 2015 21:58
A decent game - but can be a bit boring.
Ok , so I've played all of the Dragon Age games and beaten them. However when it came to Dragon Age Inquisition I haven't been able to bring myself to complete this game. Initially the game was fun but became repetitive with many of its quests.
The game isn't too bad and worth playing. But you will have to keep in mind that while the open environments provide great visuals, many quests will require you to revisit these areas over and over again, not to mention running back and forth between places in these environments. The story is pretty good and makes the game a good addition to the Dragon Age franchise. So if you don't mind some back and forth exploration, and a good story then by all means pick up this game. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS0y2FGXc12Q6H2i8A6pnqg http://seangamingcorner.blogspot.com/ Foi útil?
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Monday Mar 30, 2015 12:03
I own this title on my PS3 and must say that I am totally blown away from every aspect that this game has to offer and I know I will be experienceing even more satisfaction from coming updates and patches.
The story telling and adventure in this game are outstanding! This is the kind of game that sucks you in and you want to keep playing. I have heard of people putting in over 100 hrs and still not finishing everything this game has to offer. The graphics are beautiful, the decision making is done very well and the adventure your set on is very exciting . I cant wait to continue my adventure and explore all this game has to offer. Foi útil?
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Tuesday Mar 10, 2015 22:48
100x better than DA2!
I was a massive fan of DA Origins but DA2 was a disaster. DAI is a huge improvement and much more like DA:O in every way. The game play is great, the graphics are awesome and the story is interesting. I recommend to every who loves RPG's.
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Tuesday Jan 27, 2015 06:55
Dragon Age Inquisition - Quick Review
+ Story telling and fantasy adventure are in this genre are a great combo + RPG elements add depth to character class abilities / weaponry choices + Some throwback to previous game owners through their Dragon Age Keep program + Being fully voice acted isn't bad Cons: - Not much character visual customization in Single player, even less in Multiplayer - Multiplayer feels a little cut and paste and buggy - Sluggish movement for characters - NPC's AI sends them off into dangerous situations ...and as always Gaming Dragon delivers! Foi útil?
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Wednesday Jan 14, 2015 19:41
as a person who haven't played the previous games, i can't compare this game with the others but i can tell you that thi game is amazing. i spent more than 120 hours for just one playtrhoug if you love RPG games just buy this game . i think you won't regret it.
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Thursday Dec 25, 2014 20:21
Amazing game!
This game has it all! Great story, interesting characters, fun gameplay and fantastic graphics and environments. Plays well on computer with gamepad. The only downside might be that the tactical camera is a little clunky, but other than that, this game is absolutely worth a buy!
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Sunday Dec 21, 2014 11:28
Bioware at their finest
Bioware at their finest
this game is big, very big, has an open end feel and the build up of suspense as you slowly progress through a region did i mention Varric and Bianca? yes, we have Varric and we have Bianca! Foi útil?
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Friday Dec 19, 2014 01:57
Surprisingly good
Although some of the gameplay and design decisions feels like they've been torn out from MMORPG and awkwardly put in here, the game still offers you solid and high quality presentation of decent written plot and characters. The keyboard and mouse players might be a bit dissapointed, because bioware's attempt to improve tactical experience for gamepad users ended up with classic options like tactical camera and behaviour setup being useless and frustrating for PC community.
Anyway the game is good enough, i spent over 100 hours just for single playtrough and going to have another run later on. It is much better than Dragon Age 2 ever were, and got huge potential for story DLC or even large expansion like awakening for DAO. Foi útil?
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Friday Dec 05, 2014 00:35
Nice Game fast delivery
The game is fantastic with a great open world. Over 100 hours gameplay. Play with friends online. Special mode with 4 people for special dungeons Different modes deom single to multiplayer for more hours of gameplay and fun most of all. Dont miss this game
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Friday Nov 28, 2014 09:58
Awesome RPG
Best rpg Ive ever played, the tutorial took about a hour to play, then 30 play hours later, it opens up so much, then I sat with the feeling that the tutorial only just ended... So awesome, voice acting is in top, the story is classic top quality for Bioware.
Can only recommend this game. deserves a uber rating, 5 stars really don't cut it. Foi útil?
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Friday Nov 21, 2014 14:17
Vast,beautiful and alot of fun
After dragon age 2 came out i was disappointed that alot of the strategy and RPG options were gone for more action orientated experience.
I am truely happy to say that inquisition puts the franchise back at track as an amazing RPG adventure with all the great dialogue and strategic combat that we love. Now there is an open world to fully explore,thousands of activities and everything feels alive and is beautiful Great work bioware Foi útil?
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Tuesday Nov 18, 2014 12:40
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Great game, almost as good as Dragon Age Origins! World is pretty freaking big, nothing like the world of Dragon Age 2 which was dissapointment after the first game. Graphics are nice too and it runs pretty good. Yeah!
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