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Comprar Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns - Download
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Plataforma: PC Editor: NCSOFT Idiomas: רב-Idiomas Website: Clica aqui Data de Lançamento : October 23, 2015 Requisitos do Sistema : Here Idiomas do Jogo Multi-Language
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1 Opiniões
Saturday Jul 20, 2019 19:28
nah~~~ it just a good expansion u should have this at home
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Tuesday Apr 16, 2019 11:27
The key worked right up and I upgraded my account (already got base game). Really nice!
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Monday Feb 11, 2019 13:19
Great DLC/Expansion
The key worked right up and I upgraded my account (already got base game). Really nice!
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Sunday Mar 11, 2018 13:45
Great Expansion
The first code was wrong, but i got help really fast with a new one that worked :) As far from the game its base content is free and you get some more choices when you buy this expansion.
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Saturday Nov 04, 2017 21:17
great game
great game expansion if you have never played this before its best to know that there's a bit of climbing that's unusual for an mmo
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Tuesday Aug 01, 2017 22:18
Great Game
Got the key instantly, working as expected. Great additional content to a nice game.
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Saturday Jul 15, 2017 10:04
Great game
Awesome game. Plenty to keep busy. Good for teaming up with others. One of the best online games ive played
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Wednesday Jul 12, 2017 17:24
Love it!
Got the code after just some 20 min or so. great Service as Always. The game itself is great :)
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Tuesday Mar 21, 2017 20:39
It Brought me back.
The new class Revenant really brought me back to the game ilove it!
And as always GW is the greatest mmo i've played so far really love the exp, and the new area is great to. if you played Gw2 come back to the Expansion here. Foi útil?
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1 Opiniões
Sunday Oct 23, 2016 21:40
Guild Wars 2 Expansion
First things first: Heart of Thorns isn't going to change your mind. If you don't like Guild Wars 2's fast-paced, streamlined combat or distinctive, freeform end-game—some people don't, I have read the internet—this first expansion won't magically make ArenaNet's approach more palatable. If anything, Heart of Thorns reassesses and restructures everything that has come before. It moves Guild Wars 2 into more expansion focused phase. It's new, but also the same.
I do like Guild Wars 2. According to the game, I've spent 728 hours playing it. 30 days. That's a long time. A whole rabbit could gestate in that period. Or 1/9th of an entirely new human. Despite that, I hadn't played much over the last few months—my interest waning due to the lack of new content updates in the lead up to this expansion. Heart of Thorns has, for the most part, rectified that. It's an enjoyable chunk of entertaining new stuff. Some quibbles aside, it makes Guild Wars 2 feel exciting and relevant again. Foi útil?
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Thursday May 26, 2016 06:17
Guild Wars 2 Expansion
After i bought this code, i received this code after 4hours, i was worried, but i did get it, Thanks.
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Wednesday May 11, 2016 15:32
A worthy expansion
Loved it, added a large chunk of content to the game and after 6 months of not playing brought me back to Guild Wars 2 for another 2 months of almost full-time game-play.
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Wednesday Dec 16, 2015 06:52
As always great service, fast response time, I have purchased multiple keys from Gaming Dragons and have never encountered an issue, would recommend and have done so to my friends and everyone else for that matter, key worked great!!:)
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Saturday Oct 24, 2015 08:24
Heart of Thorns
So far, so good.
Pros: Ton of new features and things to do in the game Mastery system Re-skinned legendary weapons Revenant class Cons: Specializations require a ton of hero points Expensive Summary: Worth $50 bucks? Not really unless you are at least 5000 achievement points and over Foi útil?
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Monday Oct 19, 2015 21:56
Best MMO
The best MMO in the market better than MMO that requires a subscription.
If you buy heart of thorns expansions youll recive for free the original GW2.! PvP based on skill not in gear,forget those noobs that tear you apart only beacuse they have better gear,if you are better in PvP youll fuck em all. Great historiy line. Forget farming houndred of hours for get the best gear that gets useless in the next patch.Only farm for weapons/armor skins. Foi útil?
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