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Plataforma: PC Editor: Square Enix Idiomas: Vários Idiomas Website: Clica aqui Data de Lançamento : December 1, 2015 Requisitos do Sistema : Here Idiomas do Jogo English*, French, Italian, German, Spanish (* = Full audio support)
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1 Opiniões
Monday Mar 11, 2019 22:21
Better than JC 4
Classic Just Cause Action in a big islands open world, with more than enough mayhem to cause.
Story and AI do not matter, the hook gemaplay and the chaos around you are what matters here. No real flaws considering graphics, physics and other central parts of the game at this point (diffrent than in part 4 of the series). Foi útil?
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Wednesday Mar 14, 2018 21:03
Review Title
Amazing game, Cant wait to play this on PC (As i played on ps4 before)
this websites service was slower then usual, but i got the key exactly when the "average processing time" passed Foi útil?
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Monday Oct 23, 2017 21:16
small pastime
I personally found the second part best. The third is also not bad, but somehow not so much the fun passes through as then at Just Cause 2.
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Monday May 22, 2017 11:05
Never ending fun!
In a completely destructive open world game like this, there's always something to. First time playing on PC and I'm hooked. I can imagine I'll be dumping over 100 hours into this completing and finding all that I can.
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Tuesday Dec 27, 2016 16:38
Eat, Sleep, Chaos, Repeat
The mission to chaos liberation ratio makes it seem that all I'm doing is liberating towns All the time. Although chaos can be fun with the different vehicles and weapons it can get a bit repetitive. Missions aren't particularly exciting either. Treat it more like a destruction playground and you may get more than your average customer.
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Tuesday Dec 13, 2016 13:48
Non-Stop Chaos and then....?
This game is non-stop chaos! for the first hour or so! And then....?
You repeater everything over and over and over again, extremly boring and repetative, so unless you enjoy limited mission and little to no variation stay away! On the other hand if you like to sometime just start up a game and cause some wanted destruction? Then this is surely the game for you! but! Don't exspect a deep story and cool cinematics! Foi útil?
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Sunday Aug 28, 2016 18:14
Just Cause 3
Nice to blow sh#t up all the time. i heard its supposed to be a great game when you are high.
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Sunday Jul 31, 2016 10:05
Just Cause 3
Repetitive mission design and lacks an engaging story, but who cares!!
This is the perfect game to disable your higher brain function and just have a blast playing. Reminiscent of the last-gen titles Prototype 2 and Saints Row 4, just roaming the landscape causing havoc everywhere you please is a blast. The wingsuit is by far one of the best new gear additions and makes movement throughout the game not a chore, but something to look forward to. A great getaway at the end of a long day. Foi útil?
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Friday Jul 22, 2016 16:18
Review Title
Amazing Game and site i got the key INSTANTLY would recommend this site to anyone who has a brain
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Friday Jun 10, 2016 01:12
Great game
Real cool game, with cool graphics, you gonna feel like superman!
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Friday Jun 03, 2016 19:20
mooie game
echt mooie game een beetje zwaar op je pc maar als je een redelijke pc heb dan is het spel erg mooi en je kan zoveel dingen doen het is net een michael bay movie ! :D
English: really nice game a bit heavy on your PC, but if you have a reasonable PC, the game is very nice and you can do so many things it's like a Michael Bay movie! : D Foi útil?
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Sunday May 22, 2016 19:37
Great game, runs a hair poorly.
The just cause gameplay? It's great. It's so much fun. The world looks beautiful, moving around it feels like everything you want it to be. Rico is funny and charming. The only issue? Performance.
Having recently upgraded my PC from cool to beast, i thought I could run this game no problem, but even now it chugs and stutters through more intense sections of the game. I still recommend this game. Foi útil?
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Wednesday Apr 06, 2016 07:58
Great game
This was well worth getting off this site Ive had lots of fun in JC3. This game I wouldnt say is worth $60 but it was great for the price you pay here. The pro's for this are Open world and great waste of time basically for when u are super bored.
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Monday Apr 04, 2016 09:41
Just Cause 3 creates a realistic nation with an oppressive government and then let's you right that wrong. There are however drawbacks to a world that's perhaps too realistic/ immersive. There are big open spaces that can be annoying to traverse. The cities are very similar looking which is also accurate to how must of earth is but it can also make them boring.
Despite those limitations, it's an immensely satisfying experience. Every time I liberate a city or destroy a military base I feel a little bit closer to overthrowing the government. It's that kind of compelling game play that can make an afternoon vanish into thin air. Foi útil?
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Sunday Mar 13, 2016 12:44
Action Nonstop
The games gives you a lot of freedom. It's nothing were you need your brain. It's just action without a meaningful story. Time flies while soaring above the mountains, valleys and towns, trying to perfect the tricky-to-master wingsuit.
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Monday Jan 25, 2016 09:42
Unbelievable addition to the Just Cause series!
I've loved the JC series since the beginning. JC2 was a great refinement to the idea of what it was all about (blowing things up and just having fun exploring a huge world). However, JC2 veered off track with no real "liberations" of cities as in the original. Not to mention the totally outrageous storyline that felt so goofy and flat mixed with voice-acting so bad it almost ruined the game. With JC3 though, all of that was fixed. It combined the best parts of JC1+2 and took itself a bit more seriously this time around. The world felt more immersive, everything looked and felt better, liberations make a comeback from the first game and now we have a wingsuit! Which is implemented so well I can't imagine the game without it. There is really nothing negative I can say about JC3 except for maybe how short the storyline is and the handling of motorcycles which was so messed up that they are completely un-ridable. But everything else was such an improvement over its predecessors. I can honestly give this game 5 stars for being very well-flushed out, stable (only experienced one minor crash) and so much fun it should be illegal. And I'm hard to please.
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Thursday Jan 14, 2016 12:41
So good
Don't listen to the bad reviews - this game is the best - I love every second of it!!
If you really don't like those leaderboards just block incoming connections with Windows Firewall / Little Snitch or equivalent! Foi útil?
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Wednesday Jan 13, 2016 22:31
Gaming Dragons Is Cool
Ordered game got refund for whole game and still got game. In fact they actually
gave me money in their gem system I will pre order everything from this website. 10/10 would buy again for free Foi útil?
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Wednesday Jan 13, 2016 18:49
Great game for Relaxing Time!
Just Cause 3 is a great game if you just come home after work and you want to relax a little bit. It's barely impossible to die and the action is even more immersive as in the Michael Bay movies. You have infinite C4 to mess around with. A Clear YES to everyone who wants to buy the Game for this Price.
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Wednesday Dec 23, 2015 04:27
Just Cause 3.
Just Cause 3. It’s not about the story, it’s about crazy stunts and explosions.
Just Cause 3 is about those 2 minute chaos moments when one explosion leads to another, started when you grappled a poor unsuspecting pedestrian to a gas cannister shot it and watched them whistle/fly through air into a petrol station, boom! Plays great on my MSI 960 GTX, well worth the £18 I paid for it. :) Foi útil?
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Tuesday Dec 22, 2015 13:25
Solid 'brains off' sandbox fun
Tired of GTA V? This game is good if you want to switch your bains off and relax by playing sandbox game with pretty much cheats enabled. :)
Even after some techincal difficulties this is very solid sandbox action. I suggest you to test it. ;) Foi útil?
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Monday Dec 14, 2015 19:11
Relaxing Chaos
Alright, let's be honest. Just Cause isn't about the immesrive storyline or deep emotions you are supposed to go through. It's about destruction. Pure destruction? Well, you shouldn't kill civilians or rebels but everything else is free to kill.
After a hard day's work a trip to Medici is a little holiday full of explosions and chaos und mischievous fun. Unfortunately graphics could be better, therefore: 4 stars. Foi útil?
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Friday Dec 11, 2015 18:24
Lots of fun in Medici
Very fun game and alot things to do.
It will be 5 star game after they have patched the bugs from it! At the moment it is baerly worth of 30 €. Lots of destruction and chaos which is always fun! Foi útil?
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Saturday Dec 05, 2015 23:45
Total nonsense destruction lol
Well this game it's what the title mean... a total destruction with no sense.
Story is silly and it's like one of the worst b-movies, you have ever watched. Graphic is not bad but neither so good. The gameplay is something awesome... you'll spend hours, just destroying everything you see, in the best way you can. Also you can fly with a someking of Batsuite lol You can drive cars and other vehicles in a big open world map. Maybe you'll find other games better than this, but for the price this is a hell of fun :D Foi útil?
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