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Plataforma: PC Editor: CI Games , Deck 13 Website: Clica aqui Data de Lançamento : 28 Oct 2014 Requisitos do Sistema : Here Idiomas do Jogo English*, French*, Italian, German*, Spanish, Czech, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazil, Russian, Traditional Chinese
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Saturday Sep 15, 2018 19:10
Lords Of The Fallen
the game itself was sloppy controllers couldn't get into it after that
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Thursday Mar 16, 2017 23:54
Still deadly like Dark Souls
I am quite the Dark Souls fan and when I heard about Lords of the Fallen I thought I'd check it out, it's made by a different company but still has an oddly touch of something that From Software has made, the difficulty is quite similar to DS, but more slower pace and easier to handle.
The customisation isn't bad also, and like in some games were stamina is a big deal, you need to watch out what gear your carrying . Over all, the game is pretty good, if you don't mind enjoying a different taste other than dark souls. Foi útil?
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Thursday Feb 26, 2015 14:53
Dark Souls Esc.
A lament to the dark souls series, Lords of the Fallen is the game for 'newer' players to the new emerging genre, fun game. Second playthrough is the only second downfall as it becomes to easy compared to the first playthrough. Still incredibly fun though.
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Sunday Dec 21, 2014 23:26
A Great Replacement Until The Next Dark Souls
This game does what it intended, copy Dark Souls, but in its own unique way. If you are looking for something to tide you over and get your Dark Souls fix until the next game, this is perfect.
Even if you have never played Dark Souls, this is a fantastic game with excellent combat and an interesting design. Foi útil?
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Wednesday Nov 12, 2014 20:43
Not Dark Souls.... but good.
Everyone says this game is just like Dark Souls from what I heard. There are times were the bosses are a little though but I never really felt like I was in the Dark Souls kind of world.
The Voice Acting is pretty terrible along with the story and I know not everyone would be thrown off by there but it is worth noting. Also the lip syncing at least from what I noticed, almost didn't even exists! Gameplay wise the game was challenging at every turn and fun and that's where it's at it's strong point. Some enemies are kind of bland but others will chase you down and beat you into the ground if you try and play chicken with them. The boss fights were really fun, if you want to make them harder I would try doing the bosses on their special requirements and you also get some nice new gear as well. All in all it was a fun game but I didn't find it worth trying to go back and playing it again after my first play through unlike Dark Souls, which I spent hundreds of hours replaying and enjoying. Foi útil?
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Tuesday Nov 04, 2014 05:42
Lords of the Fallen
Lords of the Fallen of the Dark Souls Clone as many people like to call it.
Sure it's 3'rd perosn and has a dude that hacks away at enemies and some experience system that remsebles Souls, But that is really where it ends. Lords of the Fallen is it's own beast of a RPG. The game itself looks stunning at the world is so well made and put together, the map links together in so many Shortcuts and hidden places (yes like Dark souls get over it) The envioment seems so alive and like a battle has taken place here. The Combat system of the game is like any other rpg: Hit, block, dodge and so on nothing new there, the weapons themself though adds a little flavor to the game, like using a big sword makes you hit so slow that as miss or a block by the enemy can and will punish you hard (Specially on the new games+) The dual wield weapons has special attacks if you time them right for a massive amount of damage. I do feel there is a lack of Ranged weapons, since you only get the glove. but i would have liked to see a Bow/X-bow or something like that for people who like to play that way. The story is great in spirit but poorly executed in the game with half-assed select what to say moments, dont get me wrong i like the story but i dont like they way they choose to tell it. The lack of Co-op did dissapoint me somewhat since i played Dark Souls alot with a friend of mine , but in the end i was okay with it. All in all the game is great it could use a few updates for their bugs and what not. And hope too see a kickass DLC at some point caus i like playing the game Foi útil?
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