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Vários Jogadores: yes
Plataforma: PC Idiomas: Vários Idiomas Website: Clica aqui Data de Lançamento : 3 Março 2011 Requisitos do Sistema : Here Idiomas do Jogo English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
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1 Opiniões
Saturday Jan 10, 2015 00:54
Absolutely brilliant
Probably Total War's crowning glory, this game is just amazing. The battles are smooth and immersive (blood pack is definitely worth the money), the replay value is incredibly and the co-op verson means that you don't have to go it alone. I have purchased 3 copies of this game, as I HAD to give it to a few of my friends...... I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who has an interest in this genre
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Wednesday Oct 01, 2014 18:38
Notalgia Reborn
I remember the First SHogun Total War and how amny hours i spent playing it. This lives up to that Legacy and i have been enjoying ever moment of it since i bought it.
I can highly recommend this game to anyone into Strategy games. Foi útil?
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